* Don't worry folks. I am not perennially tortured. But I do have a tendency to see the serious sides of things in my writings. In real life, I am kind of a goofball dork! LOL

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

I teeter totter like a child
as he learns first steps
deliberate, off kilter
Humpty Dumpty toppled
from Jericho’s Wall
shell broken into shards
glued back together

There are fissures in my exterior
slight imperfections
sometimes masked
other times flagrant
like a sunburn on alabaster skin

My mood reflects battles
of complexities
remnants spilled onto
starched white shirts,
or effervescence sprayed
on to blank canvas
watercolors that paint mosaics
run together like melted crayons
that color outside the lines

I am a jigsaw
with stolen pieces
a Scrabble game with vowels
synapses that connect
invisible dots
only I decipher

My mind shuts down
like a locomotive without steam
sensitive, tortured;
I sleep with vampires
feed off negative ions
that combust
temporarily my life force
until the reset button
is pressed and I am reborn

But I am kind, perceptive
unable to accept compliments
even when warranted -
my face flushes pink
like a broiled shrimp;
I am brilliant
even if I cannot recite
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

I am ever-changing
like Autumn leaves
that burn red, plum,
a work in progress
emotions displayed
on stained glass windows
in crystal prisms
splayed against white walls
finding the shadows